Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ready For $7.00/gallon Milk? The Price of Milk as a Moral Issue Revisited

If the Farm Bill issue does not get resolved by next week, like the tax side of the fiscal cliff, there will be another crisis in America. $7.00/gallon milk.

Hello liberal religionists, where are you? How many of you have talked about the price of milk as a moral issue lately? Or is the issue of the moment gun violence because of the shooting in Newtown? 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why Is The Sercret Service "Scandal" A "Scandal?"

Grown men had sex. I'm shocked!

They had sex with prostitutes. I'm even more shocked!

C'mon now people. This country is involved in armed conflict in one of the most desolate places in the world and too many of its soldiers seem to not know how to treat dead bodies and yet there is more talk about grown men having sex than the fact that members of the U.S. military are desecrating dead bodies.

Which is the real scandal?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Strip Searches For Everybody!

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Florence v. Burlington that it was constitutional for states to strip search arrestees no matter what the nature of the offense.

But if one looks at the facts of the case, there is a much more troubling situation that appears on the horizon.

Albert Florence and his wife and child were on the way home when a New Jersey state trooper pulled them over. When the trooper runs a check on the car, it comes up that there is an outstanding warrant on Mr. Florence because of an unpaid traffic fine. However the outstanding warrant was an error and Mr. Florence had the paperwork to prove it. Mr. Florence showed the trooper the paperwork yet was arrested anyway. While in custody he was strip searched twice. Those are the basic facts.

What's so troubling, aside from the fact that the court said that it was constitutional to strip search anyone in custody, was the implicit agreement that anyone can be arrested at any time for any thing.

If a man can be arrested even when he has the paperwork showing that he shouldn't be arrested, what does that mean for the rest of us?

Monday, January 23, 2012

What's In "Justice GA" For Me?

In an article at that came out today, it was written:

"This GA, termed a "Justice GA," will be almost entirely focused on social justice issues related to immigration."

I know immigration is an important national issue. I know Arizona SB1070 is a horrible piece of legislation. Yet if I made up a list of issues/causes that I'm engaged in and/or working on, immigration wouldn't even make it into the top 20.

What's in "Justice GA" for me?