Thursday, October 18, 2007

Is God Keeping You From Church?

Aside from the fact that this is seldom the case for anybody(normally it's the "church" that keeps people from walking in the doors), I think the main problem with the UUA's new marketing campaign is that it is so blatently a marketing campaign. One of these days, somebody in Boston is going to remember the real facts....that most of the people who walk into a church are there at the invitation of somebody else.

This is not to say that targeted marketing doesn't work, it does, and the evangelicals have proven it; but just blanket marketing doesn't work. And nothing works better than the good old-fashion face-to-face, door-to-door neighborhood canvass. But as our lives have changed, that is not as feasible an option. The next best option, and one that I know many evangelicals have used, is leafletting a neigborhood inviting those in that neighborhood to join a church for services.

I'm digressing. Over at Philocrites ( a little while ago, Philocrites asked those of us who read his blog what campaign slogan we would come up with. At the time, I didn't like any of the ones that popped up in my mind. Now though, I've finally come up with one that satisfies me and I think would show some real creative tension for us.

So here it is, dear reader, my UUA campaign slogan:
Grounded in the Spirit...Acting in the World....the Unitarian Universalist Association

Whaddya think?????


jules said...

ohhh... I like that a lot. I think one of the fundamental things about UU-ism acting on our faith. Ok, so how do we make Beacon Street change it to yours.

Lilylou said...

Nice, Anon! I like it too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ms. Kitty.

As an admirer of both you and your blog, I am honoured that you took the time to respond to this little post.

Thanks to you too Julian.

Anonymous said...

i like it too.