Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hey Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?

Hello dear readers.

I was going through a little list of blogs that I try to read on a regular basis and noticed that The Lively Tradition hasn't written in a while.

So.....LT.....where are you? Inquiring minds want to know.


Robin Edgar said...

It looks like the U*U Enforcer, who never really did offer much "Bruising talk about our beloved community", has found God. He or she "memory*holed" his or her whole blog. . . All that is left is this recent post that takes a rather broad swipe at atheism.

Real Anonymous said...

UU Enforcer and Lively Tradition are not the same person Robin. I have met them both.

My question was about LT specifically, not every UU blogger that I haven't seen in a while.

Robin Edgar said...

Fair enough but I just thought I would point out that it seems that the U*U Enforcer has left the blogging. . . ;-)