Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Book Is Dead.......Again

I like Jeff Bezos. I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove Amazon.com. I think Kindle is a bad idea.

People have been talking about the death of the book since Gutenberg invented movable type. And while Bezos says that he doesn't think the book is dead, he's acting as if the book is dead.

Digital works for some things. Music. Movies. TV.

But not books. There is just something about holding that bound paper in your hands that does not come from e-(or digital) books. There's even some loss with having books on tape (or CD). [don't get me wrong, I enjoy books on CD when I'm traveling long distances] Reading a book is an experience. You can't dog-ear pages on a screen. You can't highlight lines that touch you.

So while I wish Jeff Bezos and Amazon well, pick on something else besides books. There are so many things that technology can improve on.......books aren't one of them.

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