Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Daylight Savings Time Starts Sunday, Are You Ready?

Well dear readers, DST starts Sunday. Are you ready? I must admit that I'm not. After my last post on it, that probably comes as no surprise. The only upside this year is that it was already planned that I was going to miss church this Sunday. So at least I won't be one of those people who comes into church late because of the time change.

As you can see, I'm looking for an upside.


Robin Edgar said...

Thanks for the reminder Real Anonymous. I will try not to be late for my alternative spiritual practice this Sunday. ;-)

Anonymous said...

How about the fact that it will lighter longer into the evening? I think I've been ready for that since November :)

Real Anonymous said...

One of my arguments about DST has been that it happens at the wrong time of year. We need more daylight in the late fall/early winter, not in the spring or summer, so DST is misplaced.

Daylight is great, but an extra hour in the summer means less than an extra hour in the winter.

Robin Edgar said...

I certainly agree that it is during the winter that daylight needs to be saved. There is no shortage of daylight in the summer.