Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Looking For Humor

Hello dear readers.

I'm working on a sermon that is going to be about humor and religion and want suggestions as to who to quote from.

I do have some people picked out...a lot of the usual suspects; Twain, Swift, Colbert and Stewart. Now I'm looking for more on the religion side. Know of any good religious humorists? Or places to look for stuff on religion and humor?


Chalicechick said...

I know A. Powell Davies had a kickass sermon on humor. Don't know where it could be found, though.


Elizabeth J. Barrett said...

Robert Fulghum, perhaps? Last year, April Fool's Day fell on a Sunday. One of our ministers gave a sermon on religion and humor:

Robin Edgar said...

The Emerson Avenger, perhaps?

Be assured that quite a few people get quite a few chuckles out of my kickass humor about U*Us. ;-)

My UNSAFE SECT picket sign slogan is still quite a hit with the Montreal public.