Thursday, December 27, 2007

GA pt.3

Hello dear readers.

I already knew nothing was going to change regarding GA because there is some protest(I am the last person who wants the UUA to lose the estimated $800,000; and while it doesn't seem like it here, I don't protest that many things). That's why I wrote on the blog. I know that Homeland Security is in charge of the port and the convention center is in the port. Since this bed is made, I know it has to be laid in. That doesn't mean that I can't be concerned and voice that concern.

I know quite a bit about the GA process(I'm good friends with a former Planning Committee member). If I remember correctly, the Planning Committee went to the board this year and asked for the authority to change the 2010 GA if the labor issues were not resolved in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Now, my question is, if they could do this 3 years out, why didn't the same thing happen in 2005 when it was seen that things were not going to change in Ft. Lauderdale?


Chalicechick said...

First off, we don't know which contracts were signed when on the Fort Lauderdale GA and on the MN one.

I had assumed that the purpose of the boycotts/protests was to in some way change the rule and make things better for the people of Ft. Lauderdale.

If the purpose of the boycotting GA is to spank the UUA for not changing the location, then fine. Seems like the UUA has the idea that they screwed this one up, and I don't know that a boycott would make it any clearer, but if that's what you want to do, go for it.


Robin Edgar said...

Spank the U*U eh CC? ;-)