Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Theology of Abundance, or Fundraising-UU Style pt.2

In "Gone A'Traveling" I talked a little about the theology of abundance. In thinking som'more about it, I do have a question about how it can be used in a UU context.

Can a theology of abundance really work without G-d?

Hear me out on this. A theology of abundance requires that we humans let go and give things over AND believe that in giving things over, new avenues will appear. So my question becomes if we're supposed to give things over but we don't have G-d, what are we giving these things over to?

As a Christian, I have some concept of G-d, but I'm really wondering how this would work in a congregation that is avowedly humanistic/atheistic. I would really appreciate hearing from those who are involved in the money aspects in their congregations (of whatever theological stripe), whether you are a lay leader or minister.


Will said...

"if we're supposed to give things over but we don't have G-d, what are we giving these things over to?"

Heaven on Earth. It's not to impress G-d, it's to ease suffering here, to make a better World.


jules said...

I have a belief in The Divine... God if you will, but I view God through the lens of a deist. I don't believe that God directly intervenes in our lives so my thoughts on God may parallel those of a Humanist who doesn't believe in God at all.

For me, and my view of God, the idea of letting go to God is irresponsible. It takes the responsibility off of me, yet I reap the rewards.

For me it would be as if I were a child getting frustrated with trying to solve a puzzle and handing it over to mom for her to put together. And then, I, the child would reap the abundance of accolades and cheers for having the foresight to hand it over to mom.

No, I think, the letting go in my case would be my ego... my will. Letting go of the idea that I have the answer alone and giving in to something bigger than myself... my community.

So for me, as someone who doesn't believe in a directly intervening God, it is trusting that we may be inspired by our reason and intellect that is a gift from The Divine... a gift from God.

Although, perhaps the line of Divinely gifted reason and an intervening God is rather thin. I mean which is it?... is it is God whispering in our ear or reason that was given to us by Him? Hmmm... something to ponder over I guess. Perhaps I'll give it over to God... I mean my reason. Tomato... Tomahto. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see our congregation loosen up the coffers a bit and do some daring things (like hire a full-time minister--crazy, I know). I don't feel like we would be "giving it over to G-d" but rather investing in a future--with a faith that not only will it work out alright, it will be good, more, better. Do I have any facts or proof that will guarantee this will work out? Nope. No guarantees, but lots of anecdotal evidence that this works--outside and inside the UU world.

I think we sometimes hold on too tight to what is that we forget to look at what could be. I'm not talking about being irresponsible with what we have, but in searching for new ways to live the dream, as it were. But first, you have to have someone who can articulate the dream and inspire people to walk out in faith BUT WITH A PLAN. Is this the same as "giving it over to G-d?" I think it is giving it over to faith in and hope for the future.
Or, as Jules said, potato, puhtahto.