Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why Tithing Matters

Hello dear readers.

While I was scrolling through UUpdates earlier today, I came across this:

“We, the members of the Unitarian Church of Staten Island, challenge YOU, First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, to a high-five challenge.” This means, they challenge a majority of the pledging units of First Church to give at 5% of their annual adjusted income.

5%?!?!?!?!? The challenge is for 5%?!?!?!?!?!? This is all we're asking of members of our churches? 5%?!?!?!?!?!?!?

This, my friends, explains why the megachurches are building multi-building complexes and UUs can barely build outhouses. 5%?!?!?!?!?!?

When did UUs devalue tithing? And why did this happen? If you want quality you must give money to it. The work of the church needs money. The facilities require upkeep; this requires money. If you want staff, you must be willing to pay them a reasonable salary. And the challenge is for 5%?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Call me old-fashioned, but we need a new(old) attitude. If you believe your church matters to you, you need to give it enough so that it can do its work without worry.


Anonymous said...

5% is the suggested number for the "liberal tithe" -- 5% for the church and 5% to other causes.

The concept of tithing and the word itself can cause consternation with those coming from painful histories with more traditional churches -- often those very people are the movers and shakers in a congregation and that makes it doubly hard to talk about money in a meaningful way.

There's also a great fear that in asking people for money, we will drive out those who feel they can't "afford" to be part of the congregation, when our message is that all are welcome. It's a challenge on all sides, though I agree that goals should be higher and that many people are just waiting to be asked to do more.

Robin Edgar said...

Until now the Unitarian Church of Montreal has suggested that its members pledge 5% of their income to the "church". However, in that Rev. Diane Rollert, the not so brand-spanking new minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, recently asked "church" members to double their pledges to this "Unitarian Church" in this Sunday sermon it would seem that she is effectively asking Montreal Unitarians to reinstate the ancient practice of tithing. I have noticed that a few other U*U ministers seem to be suggesting that U*Us should double their pledges to the "church" which effectively means that they should become tithers. I can't help but wonder if these recent suggestions for the doubling of pledges are at the behest of the UUA. . . Could it be that its coffers are dwindling along with membership?

Real Anonymous said...

I still find it amazing that churches where the majority of their members make less than $50,000 seem to have no problems asking their members to give money to support their work.

I think this has less to do with the word "tithe" than that there is a very cavalier attitude about church among religious liberals.

Robin Edgar said...

"there is a very cavalier attitude about church among religious liberals."

Do you really think that you need to tell me that Real Anonymous? ;-)