Thursday, January 31, 2008

Are We the Post-Modernists????

Hello dear readers.

While in class today we talked some about postmodernism/postmodernists. One of my classmates asked if there was any denomination that would be considered postmodern. I said that I didn't know of any Christian denomination that was, but that in a lot of ways Reconstructionist Judaism can be. In the ensuing conversation our professor said "In many eyes Unitarian Universalists are considered postmodern." I was stunned (although I don't know why I was).

Are we really post-modernists? I've always considered us the most modern of the Modernists, but I could be wrong.

What do you think?


jfield said...

To the extent that we are stuck in progress narrative humanism from before WWI we are thoroughly modernist though we fancy ourselves post-modern sometimes.

Our heterodoxy and the extent to which we concern ourselves with theological and sociological "others" may make us post-modern.

Unknown said...

Let me refer to you the chapter on postmodernism from Paul Rasor's "Faith Without Certainty."

Here's a Link.

UUism is throughly modern in its articulation and underlying sensibility. There are subgroups within every church that are deeply interested in ideas that we could identify as postmodern, and because we give then a fair hearing some may thing that makes us postmodern.

But adding the suffix "post-" to anything is deeply problematic (i.e. not everyone would agree on what the meanings of postmodern, postfeminist, postChristian, postgay... are.)