Friday, February 8, 2008

Bring Your Passport or, Real ID and General Assembly pt.2

Hello dear readers.

Big thanks to Joel Monka for the link to the Real ID pages. It just shows how confusing this really is.

But now we can talk about economic issues related to General Assembly. Joel, in his response to my question, says that he is going to bring his Passport just in case. While I think that is a good idea, that brings up this point. There are some of our fellow UUs who don't have Passports.

What's a Passport running these days? $100 or so???

So on top of all the other costs associated with GA, some of our fellow UUs might have to pop an extra $100 or so just so they can enter the convention center. Interesting.

Talk amongst yourselves.


Joel Monka said...

To be fair, the UUA is offering financial assistance for those who need it to get ID- it's on their convention FAQ page.

Real Anonymous said...

Since this is all academic to me I might as well as this question....

Would the financial assistance extend to Passports? $100 or so a pop is a lot different than $10-$15 that it would cost to get a state-issued ID.

Joel Monka said...

I don't know what the UUA has planned, but a dozen states are not in compliance with the REAL ID law, so their ID is no good even if you have it. Four of those states have actually issued a formal refusal to the Federal Government, so they won't have extensions granted... depending upon which state you live in, the passport may be the only ID available to you that will pass muster.