Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Single Smartest Decision Made in the 2008 Campaign

Hello dear readers.

As you all may remember, I have said that I have done the only political post I plan on writing. I'm sticking to that. Just barely.

I've been reading some articles the last few days talking about about the different campaigns; how organized or disorganized they are, strengths and weaknesses, etc. I've found them quite interesting, but I've also noticed one thing that hasn't been mentioned.

So dear readers, here's my take on why one campaign is still in this race and not watching it from the sidelines.

The single smartest decision made so far in the 2008 campaign: Barack Obama's campaign is run from Chicago and not Washington.

Maybe there's something about the air out here.


Robin Edgar said...

I thought you said that you were closer to St. Louis than Chicago a while back. ;-)

I quite liked Chicago when I passed through briefly in early September of 2006. I hope to pay another visit to Chicago in the not too distant future.

Real Anonymous said...

Actually I am closer to St. Louis than I am to Chicago. But if you know the geography of the Central Midwest District, you would know that no matter how close I am to St. Louis, it's not going to be that much farther to Chicago. :-)

Robin Edgar said...

True enough. Anyway I hope to return to the Windy City one day. That goes for San Francisco too, which is probably more deserving of the name. ;-)