Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sleeping Arrangements At District Assembly

Well hello again dear readers.

Steve Caldwell brings up the idea of using local churches as places for people to sleep during District meetings as a way to cut down costs.

I'm all for options, and that is one, but I must be honest and say that my preference is a bed. I just think we ought to be able to find less expensive beds, be able to cut the registration fee and still have a good meeting.

Is there any way that there could be alternative options as far as hotels go? Have the ritzy hotel and have a Days Inn as the other option?

When are we going to acknowledge that the best way to get people to participate is to not have too many financial obstacles in their way?


Robin Edgar said...

Of course U*Us in host cities of various U*U gatherings couldn't possibly offer the use of a spare bedroom or sofabed or something. . .

Anonymous said...

So long as the meeting is being held near a lower cost housing option or motel, that might be enough.